Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis
Let us inquire into her inner life, into her fears when getting up at night.
(F.P.): Yes, it began to get worse and then it continued. (G.V.): Isn’t it always better in the summer? When I saw you it was summer.
(F.P.): It was in the past few years, but not this one. Last summer it was better than it is now, but not as good as it was in other years.
(G.V.): What about the palpitations and the irregularities of the heart, do you have any? (F.P.): Just now?
(G.V.): Not now, over the past few months. (F.P.): Yes, always. (G.V.): How frequently? (F.P.): Daily, but not now that I avoid cereals. (G.V.): What I want to know is how these palpitations compare with those before? Have they increased, remained the same, or gotten worse?
(F.P.): I think they increase if I eat the same things that I ate when it first started, but-
(G.V.): Are you sure that the palpitations increase if you eat cereals?
(F.P.): Yes, I’m sure. I tested some-(G.V.): Not because you read it? (F.P.): No, I’m sure! I tested it once a week. (G.V.): And the palpitations always came back? (F.P.): Yes.
(Therapist): But at night it was better. (F.P.): Yes, during the night.
(G.V.): You don’t have palpitations during the night? (Therapist): No, she doesn’t, and she also no longer wakes up frightened at night. (G.V.): The fright crisis is gone?