George Vithoulkas
give her aggressiveness. When I say this, I do not mean to criticize her. Instead I want to make you aware of how easy it is to be misled by this type of patient-report.
(G.V.): What do you mean by »a hundred percent worse«f (Therapist): In comparison to when she was being treated in clinics, her skin is now a hundred percent worse after having been in the hospital.
(F.P.): I meant worse in comparison to the time when we met in Greece. My arms were free in Greece, I could wear short sleeves. Only my legs were as bad as they are now. It was generally less severe all over my body.
(G.V.): But it was also summer, and in the summer-(F.P.): My face began to get worse.
(G.V.): But when I saw you, you had it on your face already. (F.P.): Yes, it began to get worse and then it continued.
(G.V.): This is interesting information: she says that when she came to Alonissos she had it on her face and some spots on her body. The type of eruptions that I saw in the beginning were much more aggressive than these little, very fine flakes that I see now. The distribution of the eruptions now shows that the cure is moving in the right direction: we see her hands and legs becom-ing much worse, that is to say, her extremities.
She reports being a hundred percent worse now than she was before; but this is clearly not true because there are certain places where she had at least twenty or thirty percent of what she has now. I admit that her condition is overall worse than it was when I first saw her—you can’t deny that her psoriasis has spread—but you have to focus on the fact that the quality of the eruptions is definitely better now.