
The Celle Seminars_Page 232

George Vithoulkas

(Therapist): Yes. It was later that she found out about the prob-lem with the cereals. All this was in reaction to Arsenicum 200. Then her abdominal problems began: bloatedness and a lot of gas together with palpitations and irregularity. She began to wake up again frightened during the night. You gave her Carbo vegetabilis, first 30 in December, and then four weeks later, 200. That’s all that’s been given until now in the way of remedies. (G.V.): What is the situation now? (F.P.): The situation is worse. (G.V.): In what respect?
(F.P.): Skin, all over the body, and very burning and itching, like fire sometimes. (G.V.): A lot of itching? (F.P.): A lot of itching, especially on the legs. (G.V.): What I see is that the eruption has changed in appear-ance. Doesn’t it flake anymore? (F.P.): They are bigger, all over the body. (G.V.): But does it have flakes? (F.P.): Yes, it changes.
(G.V.): It has, but were there more flakes before? (F.P.): No. It’s the same, it’s unchanged in connection to the flakes.
(G.V.): Why do I ask these questions? Because I have noticed that in cases of psoriasis there is a point where the >anger< of the eruption ceases. The eruption is producing flakes. When the ag-gravation stops, we’ll see less discharge of flakes and the erup-tion will become thinner as will the flakes. When this happens, we’ll have a clear sign that her condition is improving.
What I see here is an eruption that has not yet reached the >an-gry< stage. I try and understand her opinion, see things from her side. Given the fact that she is negative towards the whole treat-ment, what she actually says isn’t all that horrible. She hesitates telling whether things have improved or not, and then she says