
The Celle Seminars_Page 230

George Vithoulkas

which became worse. First mistake in reporting: she is not reporting objectively. Why? Because a remedy that produces a two-day aggravation—especially headaches—and aggravates the skin cannot be a bad remedy. Therefore, according to homeopathic law, we would say that the organism is trying to rearrange things. The organism is now moving in the direction of the remedy, and is in the process of sorting out the important problems from the unimportant ones in an attempt to find a balance. This is shown through the stomach and the eruptions. There is a fight going on inside her involving her psychological state, and for the duration of this fight all her problems must be taken into consideration and rearranged. What kind of a rearrangement is this? She says that her skin is worse and everything else is the same. I hear her speak of a two-day aggravation. I find out that her skin is worse. Nevertheless, I still say that her internal state must be better. She may need another remedy because she is still suffering from anxiety. Perhaps Arsenicum would fit in well here as a second remedy. So, when she says that everything has remained the same except her skin, which has become much worse—in short, no improvement at all—I just can’t believe her. But I let her continue on her own way. I know how she thinks: she is going to exaggerate the aggravation and minimize the amelioration.
(A.l): Instead of giving her Arsenicum, why didn’t you first try a placebo?
(G.V.): Because it appeared to me from the state she was in— great anxiety with great aggravation of the skin—that she was developing an Arsenicum picture, that’s why I felt justified in giving it. If you prescribe correctly, you won’t have to be afraid of the results. Of course, you could ask, »Why not wait?« But if you were dealing with a case like this long distance per telephone, and you felt sure about the next remedy, you too would probably not have hesitated to give it. I gave her Arsenicum and it definitely calmed her down. Then a clear picture of Carbo vegetabilis was produced, and this remedy brought about further amelioration of her internal symptomatology. Now, as for her mental attitude, she says that everything is worse, and that if anything is