George Vithoulkas
(F.P.): I don’t know where to start. I think I don’t live out my natural character because I’ve always been handicapped by my physique.
(G.V.): Yes, but how do you feel inside?
(F.P.): Oh, now I feel good inside. I am content with my life at the moment. If I were healthy, I would say I am happy. (G. V.): Describe to me this feeling you have sometimes of not being connected to the floor when walking. Is it like flying? Does this happen when you have vertigo? (F.P.): Yes, it’s like being on a ship in a storm. (G.V.): Do you get angry easily? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): What do you do then? Do you come out with your anger or do you withhold it? (F.P.): I think I come out with my anger. (G.V.): Can you describe the last time you got angry? (F.P.): I can be angry and very impatient with other people. For instance, I become angry with my boyfriend when he is very slow, when he doesn’t immediately understand what I’m trying to get at. I tell him I’m angry. (G.V.): How?
(P.P.): In a moderate way. I don’t shout.
(G.V.): Do you take the initiative in your relationship, or do you follow along with what your boyfriend wants? (P.P.): No, I have to take the initiative. (G.V.): Is he the same age as you? (F.P.): Yes, exactly.
(G.V.): Do you feel that you protect him?
(F.P.): No. But it’s unusual for me to have to take the initiative at all, especially when I compare it to my former life. This is new and sometimes not always an easy thing for me. (G.V.): What bothers you most at the moment are first the headaches, then your stomach; or does the pain in your joints come before your stomach?
(F.P.): The pains in my joints are okay. There really isn’t any pain now.