
The Celle Seminars_Page 210

George Vithoulkas

(G.V.): If you keep them under the blankets and they get too hot, do you have to stick your feet out from underneath? (M.P.): Yes. I prefer being too cold to being too warm at night. If I get hot during the night and I realize it, I wake up and sit outside, or cover myself with a thinner blanket, or open the window and just try and cool down, then it gets better.


(G.V.): We don’t need anymore confirmation. This is clearly a case of Pulsatilla. If he keeps his feet under the blankets, they get too warm and he has to stick them out; but if he leaves them out the whole night they get very cold. So, he’s found a way to alleviate his problem of regulating hot and cold: he wears socks. Later on he says that he takes pain killers in order to keep the pain down. This presents a bit of a problem in dealing with his case. But before we get into that, let me give you my prognosis of the case. First of all, we would expect the remedy to act for a long time. Therefore, we would not change prescriptions without a lot of consideration. Once we have decided upon a remedy we should stick to it until its effects have run their course. I believe these types of cases can be affected by administrating too many different remedies. Each remedy changes the picture of his illness, so that eventually you could lose track of the essential curative action necessary in the case. You would not expect to have a curative action in this case within, say, three months. I believe that if we are to see any effect, it is only going to be a gradual one. There will be some signs of improvement, amongst them one very objective sign, apart from what he will say about his pains, that he is recovering. What do you think this will be?
(A.l): LTis weight.
(G.V.): Right. We expect to see a definite improvement in his weight. Whoever is in charge of this case must make sure to tell him to weigh himself, without clothes, and to write down his exact weight. If the treatment is correct his weight will definitely increase because he will automatically be able to eat a little bit