
The Celle Seminars_Page 205

Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome

feeling. Sometimes I do feel like talking, but usually I just like to be alone and wait until it goes away because I feel that other people are helpless when they’re around me. They can’t help, but they see I’m in pain and that’s stressful for me. So, I sit there and wait.
(G.V.): Is this against Pulsatilla}
(A): No.
(G.V.): There is another point I would like to make clear concerning Pulsatilla here: Pulsatilla says that it feels better when consoled, right? What does this mean? This means that Pulsatilla feels better psychologically if you console her the moment she becomes unhappy or irritated. If you go to console her, she will not say, »Go away! I don’t want to see anybody!« On the contrary, she will welcome company. It’s not that your attention is going to solve her problems or cure her headache, but it will help improve her psychological state. This is the idea behind Pulsatilla: she feels a kind of security in having someone love her. When she doesn’t feel loved, she feels insecure and begins to despair; she feels that everyone has forsaken and forgotten her.
(M.P.): Coffee makes the pains worse because my blood starts to rush and my heart beats very fast and I get the pains in the fingers. So, I don’t drink coffee at all.
(G. V.): That’s good. What do you think about your disease, how do you face it?
(M.P.): In the beginning, when I was six or seven years old, I did not understand why I had to have the pains, I simply did not like having them. I would stand up against it and scream about it and get very angry. I think I got used to it. I just try and live with it and to accept the limits it sets on my life.