Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome
perate: everything looks so desperate, so dark inside, that the only contact he can maintain is to God.
With Veratrum album it is a different type of praying altogether; the person is crazy, insane, when he prays, so you would call this crazy praying. Aurum will never pray in front of anyone else, instead he will spend hours on his knees at home. In comparison, Veratrum album is a person who will usually pray in front of others; this is a person who will go crazy while praying and call people to repent. Thus when we see insanity with praying as a main characteristic, we should turn to Veratrum rather than Aurum.
Pulsatilla’s manner of praying is different. It too can be depressed, but not as much as Aurum. Pulsatilla is more dissatisfied than it is depressed. She feels weak and in need of solace. Pulsatilla will feel that she has sinned a lot, and then she will pray. Although she assumes that she is beyond being saved, nevertheless she prays and cries and repents, but again like Aurum, alone in her room. Because her religious affections can become so overwhelming, sexual contact can also be regarded as a sin. That’s why it says in the repertory, celibacy because of religious beliefs. Prayer acts as a release for Pulsatilla; she feels better after praying, especially after crying while praying. In this particular case, there is also a tendency towards prayer, but, from what he says here, we cannot consider it pathological.
(G.V.): How frequently do you pray? (M.P.): Hard to say. (G.V): Once a day?
(M.P.): I read the Bible once a day. Let’s just say that I like to keep in touch with it, not to forget it. But it’s not like frequently praying, like everyday. It doesn’t become a pattern. (G.V): Do you pray out of habit? (M.P.): No.
(G.V): You pray when you feel like it, is that what you are saying?