
The Celle Seminars_Page 183

Celle Seminar I, Case 6: Bronchitis

in circles, because after too many antidotal influences, the organism does not have the same power to react that it once had.
(A.3): Is it really possible to help him with his smoking and coffee consumption? Obviously he is slightly addicted. I would suggest that he be given Nux vomica for a while, particularly because Nux vomica would cover some of his sensitivity to cold, especially in the head. I think that you should consider Nux vomica as a constitutional remedy.
(G.V.): That is a very good idea. Nux vomica is a good idea for him. It appears that the patient needs stimulation. He drinks a lot of Coca-cola and a lot of coffee in order to do his work. So, what should we do? Give him Nux vomica}
(A.4): Give Kali carbonicum in the evening, LM.
(A.5): I know of a case of somebody who also smoked a lot and who took Nux vomica, and that enabled him to continue smoking more and more, (laughter) A year later he got lung cancer.
(G.V.): How do you know that it was Nux vomica that enabled him to continue smoking? Smoking is a habit that only the individual can decide to do something about. What I have observed is that when you give the correct remedy for a given person, the person feels quite good, strong, happy, and does not need the extra stimulation of cigarettes or coffee, at least not for a few months. If he can exploit this period, he may eventually forget about the habit. But if he continues to drink or to smoke, these two things will bring his organism down; and the more down the organism is, the more stimulation he needs. If he doesn’t take advantage of the first period following the remedy when he feels better, then he’ll miss the chance to kick his bad habits. We know that the remedy was effective because of certain things that he said: he coughs from 1:00 until 5:00 a.m., which are Kali hours, and drafts make him worse. Kali carbonicum is one of the remedies, along with Silicea and Psorinum, that has a tremendous sensitivity to drafts—any kind of draft; even a small draft coming in from under a door! That’s the sensitivity of Kali carbonicum. Kali carbonicum is also a conscientious person,