Celle Seminar I, Case 6: Bronchitis
know why the action of caffeine in coffee as opposed to tea is different. Perhaps because when you drink tea the amount of caffeine you get from the leaves is less than what you get from coffee grounds. It seems that the deciding factor is not how much caffeine the leaves or the grounds contain, but how much passes through during the brewing process. When you drink coffee you drink the whole thing, all the caffeine there is, especially with instant coffee. I know that if the coffee has an effect upon you, gives you a kind of lift or some other effect, that is the time when the remedy will definitely be antidoted.
(A.2): And if the person is sensitive to tea, Chinese tea?
(G.V.): Yes, if you have a case where the person is really sensitive to tea or anything else, like garlic, for example, then he’ll show a reaction even with a small amount. When I feel very tired, I’ll drink a cup of coffee in order to give me at least a bit of energy; it has an effect and antidotes. If I drink coffee several times, my back will start hurting; I’ll get lumbago. If I drink only one cup of coffee a month there will be no effect, but if I drink four cups a day, I will be awake the entire night. So, it is very important that you tell the patient that, in order to protect the treat¬ment, coffee is not allowed.
This very nice gentleman whom you saw in the video was a case that I’d handled on Alonissos in June, 1987, almost more than a year-and-a-half ago. At that time, he was running a fever, but just three days later he was feeling better with the follow-up we prescribed. This shows that the remedy was correct and that it had acted. Now, in June, he comes and tells me that in November he had a relapse. First, it struck me as strange, considering how well the remedy had worked before; it is very strange that within five months after a dose of 200 he should have a relapse, and such a clear relapse like the one he described. He then took Kali carbonicum and he felt better. But after three months he again suffered another relapse. This shows that caffeine obviously had an antidotal effect. After having relapsed for the fourth or fifth time, I said he had to stop drinking coffee. If he had denied drinking coffee, I wouldn’t have believed him, that’s how sure I