
The Celle Seminars_Page 172

George Vithoulkas

patients feel that they have been put down or pushed away, these feelings of rejection are immediately seen on the level of sexual desire: it goes down. Other remedies are hormonally stronger than Sepia, therefore you will not see the same sort of a decline in sexual desire. Lachesis is a strong sexual remedy, there is no question about that; it has a strong sexuality which it needs to express. I looked at the computer a few times, but I was not giving directions, I only made a few suggestions once or twice. How many symptoms would you feed in? A total of twenty-two. And what is the remedy that appears first? Only Lachesis. Out of twenty-two symptoms, Lachesis is primary after eighteen symptoms.
(A.23): What about the fact that he said his best time is the morning?
(G.V.): Yes, that is a point against Lachesis. It’s also a point against Lachesis that he likes being in a glasshouse, in a tropical climate. But where is the remedy that covers the totality of his symptomatology? And what drives me towards Lachesis is mostly his anger and hatred, which he’s keeping inside and about which he spoke emphatically. If you remember, without having been prompted at all, he said that his relationship is changing. What does he mean by changing? That means that it was quite bad. But with whom is this relationship that he was referring to? To his father. It was very clear that he had an authoritative father. Do you remember when I asked him if his father was a disciplined man, and he said no? You see again a critical mind, but I understood what he actually meant: »I don’t see him as a disciplined man, although he thinks that he is a disciplined man.« The patient even went so far as to accept my remark, which was amazing for him.
This was a very difficult case to interrogate, virtually a feat in interrogation. I was exhausted. It’s not that I automatically perceived the remedy. I don’t know whether you could judge from my face, but I was completely open the whole time to hearing anything that might change my mind. I asked questions indicating Lachesis, but I could not c onfirm the morning aggravation. I