George Vithoulkas
traits, I would say that he is passionate, aggressive, rational, arrogant, afraid to expose himself, and that he hates his father and his father’s authority. I wanted him to admit having this deep hatred inside, but the way that things were going it was not possible. I felt that something along the lines of his father having told him he was stupid must have happened, but he wouldn’t admit this. His aggression remained bottled up inside. And then when the organism was hammered by antibiotics, bad eating habits, bad sleeping habits, and taking drugs for certain periods of time, things just had to get bad. He was very reluctant to talk about drugs because he had been interrogated by the police. He has taken quite a lot of drugs, and these most probably, combined with his way of life, undermined his organism. Finally, after taking the antibiotics, his system broke down. The organism had been preparing for this collapse for the past three to five years, and then he took the antibiotics—the last straw, so to say—and the anger inside broke out. The antibiotics were probably the critical factor; they threw his organism into an imbalance.
We cannot rely on almost anything he says. There is no one instance where you can say, »Now, that’s a symptom.« Instead, you have to construct a picture of him by paying attention to things other than just what he said. We see aggression and an underlying anger. Now we have to find out which remedy is at the foundation of these characteristics. Once we’ve done that, we’ll be in a position to do something for this person.
(A.13): The underlying remedy is Medorrhinum because he has a sycotic miasm in his background. Together with all these insecurities, Stapbisagria might be applicable as well. Still, I feel that Medorrhinum overrides even this possibility. He also had a venereal infection in which a gonorrheal discharge was suppressed, although he does not admit it. He cannot remember the chronological order of events properly. His understanding of numbers is- poor: when the doctor asked him to take three tablets a day, he only took one. He has a tendency towards glandulous swelling in the axilla and in the groinal region. He shows a loquacity when he talks about himself. He speaks well, but he talks