
The Celle Seminars_Page 163

Celle Seminar I, Case 5: Myelogenous Leukemia

(A.2): I also think that the whole situation was a problem. I think it would have been better if you had been alone in your own practitioner’s room. I think in that setting he would have talked with a little more ease.
(G.V.): He actually said so, but I don’t know if I believe him.
(A.3): I think the guy could make anybody feel down if they were not prepared for him. I think it might be due to the LSD, which must have caused him a lot of damage. He also moves on a mental level rather than on an emotional level.
(G.V.): Why didn’t he reveal any symptoms?
(A.4): Because he blocked himself and he blocked your questions.
(G.V.): Yes, but why did he block the questions? Could you find an element in his character that would explain this?
(A.4): In German we say »Ubertragung«, transference; he was confusing you with someone else.
(A.5): He was only able to rationalize things, speak from his mind, not from his heart. That’s why all his symptoms were interpreted intellectually. You couldn’t get at the real symptoms, only his interpretation of them.
(A.6): It seemed to me that he couldn’t stand any kind of pres¬sure.
(A.7): It seemed that he had to think first whether the question was clever enough for him and whether it made sense according to his understanding of the situation, then he would answer, but only if he found the question to be appropriate.
(A.8): I think he is a very cynical and sarcastic person. You have to consider this when asking your questions. I would say that he is full of anxieties. I got the impression that he was an Arsenicum type of person.
(A.9): He had a tendency to try and deceive. He would overlap his original thoughts and then give a prepared answer.
(A.10): I think he was very sensitive and very afraid of being misinterpreted in this peculiar situation.