George Vithoulkas
(G.V.): Were you vaccinated when you were growing up? (M.P.): I was vaccinated against polio, tetanus, smallpox and tuberculosis. (G.V.): At what age? (Therapist): That was in 1964.
(M.P.): My brother had tuberculosis when he was a child. (G.V.): Do you salivate during the night while you are asleep? (M.R): No.
(G.V.): Do you perspire? (M.P.): No.
(G.V.): Never, even if you exert yourself?
(M.P.): Generally I don’t perspire much, but when I’m in training and it’s hot then I do. (G.V.): Where do you perspire mostly?
(M.P.): In the area under my arms, on my back, everywhere, but only when I am doing something very strenuous. (G. V.): How is your relationship with your parents? How do you feel about them?
(M.P.): It’s changing, but it’s okay at the moment. (G.V.): What do you mean by »cbanging«? Has it become better or worse?
(M.P.): There are some phases when it’s okay and other phases when it’s a bit low. It depends also on my mood. (Therapist): But you couldn’t stand the situation at home for those six or eight weeks before you went abroad. You rang me up and said, »J can’t stand it here anymore.« He went to his father, and argued with him, things like that. (M.P.): Did I? (laughs)
(Therapist): Yes, you rang me up. We telephoned every week. (G.V.): Was he very angry at his father? (Therapist): Yes, indeed. (G.V.): Why were you angry at him?
(Therapist): You told me, »a lot of things were coming back.« (M.P.): I would like to keep it more general at this point. I don’t feel like talking about my relationship with my family. (G.V.): Were things difficult because of them or because of you?