
The Celle Seminars_Page 149

Celle Seminar I, Case 5: Myelogenous Leukemia

(M.P.): Yes, a hero of the universe! (laughs) I don’t know exactly why I took up martial arts, J just liked sports. I also rode horses and played football.
(G. V.): But you kept up with these martial arts most of your life? (M.P.): No, the sport I’ve played most in my life was football. (G. V.): You played football until when? (M.P.): Until I was sixteen and then I left home and stopped. (G. V.): Have you ever had any warts on your fingers? (M.P.): Yes, sometimes.
(G.V.): What do you mean by »sometimes«? Once warts come they don’t go away again easily.
(M.P.): Mine come and then they go away. Sometimes I prick them with needles, (laughs) I remember that one of them was a little painful, and I had to go to a doctor because it was in a very disturbing place.
(G. V.): You went to a doctor and he cauterized it? (M.P.): Yes, well, he gave me an ointment stick for them, but all it did was make the warts turn black, but they didn’t go away. Eventually they went away all by themselves. (G.V.): Is there any sort of food that makes you feel worse? (M.P.): It’s difficult to answer because I don’t know how much psychological… If I eat a cake I don’t feel very good because-(G. V.): Because you think it’s not good for you? (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): What about onions?
(M.P.): Yes, I can eat onions with no problem. I can eat everything.
(G.V.): How is your general state of vitality? (M.P.); I was abroad recently for a week, and I had the feeling that my movements were very slow—when I walked down the streets I moved very slowly—but that’s gone now. Two days ago I think I had a bit of fever in the evening, but maybe it was due to the fact that I spent too much time outside in the sun. I walked along a river for a long time, maybe too long. (G.V.): Have you ever been to India? (M.P.): No, but I would like to go.