George Vithoulkas
(G.V.): That means the worse you feel the better your appetite? (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you put on weight easily?
(M.P.): Yes, there was one terrible phase when I gained some weight, but it was no more than I’d gained before. I lost weight when I changed my diet, about ten kilograms. In this terrible phase I gained about six kilograms again even though I only ate rice and other grains.
(G.V.): Why were you eating rice and cereals, because of your specific diet? (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): How is your stool now? Is it profuse or normal? (M.P.): I had diarrhea this morning, but normally I have a bowel movement twice a day, normal, not too much, not too little. (G.V.): What about urination? Do you urinate great quantities? Is it smelly? Does it have a specific color?
(M.P.): There is no special smell. I do think that I urinate too much, but that also varies from day to day. I have the feeling that when I drink a little I urinate more than when I drink a lot. (G.V.): Have you noticed anything peculiar about your urination?
(M.P.): Sometimes it’s greenish.
(G.V.): How much do you drink? Are you very thirsty? (M.P.): I try not to drink too much, but in the last two days I drank a lot. (G.V.):Why?
(M.P.): Because I was thirsty. (G.V.): Only over the last two days? (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you drink cold or lukewarm water, or doesn’t it matter?
(M.P.): Soup and tea and-(G.V.): Do you have a special desire for soups? (M.P.): For miso soup. (G. V.): Do you have a desire for salty food?