
The Celle Seminars_Page 134

George Vithoulkas

(M.P.): I just wanted the experience, so I tested some different drugs. The drug that impressed me the most was acid. (G.V.): Acid? You mean LSD?
(M.P.): Yes. The other drugs were not that interesting. But I don’t think that it was such an important thing in my life; it only impressed me as an experience.
(Therapist): Shortly before his leukemia was diagnosed he had bronchitis, which was treated with Penicillin. He has mycosis on his feet, specifically on the toes, under the axilla, and in the inguinal region, which has lasted years. He was treated for it with a very strong soap used for washing clothes, a detergent recommended by dermatologists. All the women in his family have white spots on their skin, piebald skin. Together with this enormous appetite came a very strong desire for sweets. He wasn’t very thirsty then, but his thirst increased during his macrobiotic phase.
(M.P.): I stopped eating sweets altogether. If you want an experience, try cutting out sugar for awhile; when you eat some later on, it acts like a drug on you.
(Therapist): He did not finish school, he only completed middle school. I think both his parents are scientists. He has worked at almost every conceivable job until he started to study theater. He said earlier that he hated his parents, but that he had a very good relationship with his grandfather.
(M.P.): I think that’s exaggerating things a little bit. I didn’t have such a hot relationship with my grandfather. (Therapist): You have to be honest. Before he was told that he had leukemia, he adopted his grandfather’s name. He also put his grandfather’s funeral cross in his room along with a picture that he took of himself, which he set alongside the cross. (G.V.): He took his grandfather’s name on his own authority? Is it allowed, just changing your name like that? (Therapist): He has an official name for official purposes, and he has an artist’s name.
(M.P.): But you should mention that I took on my grandfathers name a year or two earlier, before he died.