Celie Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia
because he didn’t want to cause his parents any problems, then you would be justified in giving Natrum sulpburicum. But this is not the case. He said, more or less, that he doesn’t care for his parents, though he does care about his sister. He also must have kept quite a lot of resentment about his father bottled up inside him, and every time his mother was discussed, he was obviously displeased. You would not see this with Natrum sulphuricum.
(A. 10): There is a strong element of Staphisagria in this patient, for example, the suppression of thoughts.
(G.V.): Yes, Staphisagria was given.
(A.10): At what point does he leave the Staphisagria domain and move towards Aurum metallicum} And is Staphisagria anti-syphilitic?
(G.V.): I don’t know if Staphisagria is anti-syphilitic. We do not have enough information in this domain to say who is or is not syphilitic. Those who brought about and maintain these ideas reach a point where they have to admit that all remedies could be categorized as anti-syphilitic, anti-sycotic, or anti-psoric. Once this standpoint is reached the theory of the miasms falls apart. We know that Aurum fits syphilis because of its symptomatology—think of the patient’s hair loss. In earlier times, before there was Penicillin for syphilis, Kent described such secondary states of syphilis and loss of hair. You’ll see this also in Aurum. The patient is not able to sleep at night because there is a kind of anxiety, something going on inside him that does not allow him to sleep. We see a definite aggravation during the night, and that’s why I mentioned syphilis and the syphilitic mi-asm. But I don’t know whether Staphisagria is more syphilitic or sycotic.
(A.ll): What about Lachesis in this case?
(G.V.): Well, we have only two symptoms—intolerance of tight clothes and jealousy towards his sister—which might lead us to think of Lachesis, otherwise we do not have the symptomatology of Lachesis here at all. If this were a Lachesis case he would be more powerful, much more vivid and more energetic because there is a lot of energy with Lachesis. A Lachesis child