Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia
Looking at him again closely on the video, you can see that he is considering something. When asked about suicide he admits having thought about it, but not very strongly. Still, this is not enough to keep you from ruling out Aurum. Perhaps this desire is not expressed as strongly as you would suspect with Aurum; then you would need stronger confirmation before giving Aurum. Here it is not a matter of whether they admit to really wanting to kill themselves or not but rather the seriousness with which these patients consider suicide. It is important to see the effect of these thoughts on a patient. With Aurum patients, thoughts of suicide can act as a relief. Our patient didn’t say this, but the idea is there.
What else do we see? First of all, we see an aggravation during the night and loss of hair after Sulphur; both of these things are syphilitic phenomena. Open your repertories to remedies that strongly influence hair and hair loss. What you’ll see is precisely this remedy, Aurum. However, we did not see one typical Aurum symptom: amelioration in the evening, from sunset to 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. Despite a lack of confirmation for this one symptom, all the other indications in this case point to a sensitive organism with many of the specific problems presented in Aurum.
What about Sulphur} He felt best under Sulphur. Could this be a case of Aurum sulphuratum, as was suggested before? Could this be a combination of the two remedies? What were the points that did not tally very much with Aurum} The fact that tears came to his eyes not once but several times doesn’t agree with Aurum. You will not see this very frequently with Aurum; Aurum is too serious to be so emotional. There is also the selfish element. And what is another Sulphur element? His desire to find the truth, which is a very strong Sulphur element. There was another element that spoke against Aurum. When I tried to confirm Aurum by asking whether he prays, I did not get the confirmation that would support deep depression followed by prayer, which is frequent with Aurum. Therefore, I believe that his depression is not as deep as the depression of Aurum metallicum. But he does have a philosophical turn of mind, and there is also