
The Celle Seminars_Page 123

Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatins/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia

logical or illogical, to convince others that they were wrong. He
used every argument under the sun. When he sort of laid it on
thick that way, that was something that I absolutely couldn’t
stand. I would try to find counter-arguments.
(G.V.): In other words, this really irritated you.
(M.P.): I should have told the guy, »Go to helll«
(G.V.): Several times during this interview you seemed to be on
the verge of tears, but you didn’t cry. Was it an effort for you to
restrain yourself?
(M.P.): It was no great effort. I could have permitted myself to
(G.V.): Thank you.


(G.V.): Is everyone satisfied with my questions? Were there any other questions that I should have asked but didn’t?
(A.I): You should have asked about his ability to sympathize with others and his feelings on social injustice.
(G.V.): You’re thinking of Causticum, right? This case is a big problem, but it’s not as big as some of the others we’ve heard because he’s not taking allopathic drugs, (laughter) It’s actually the first case here in which allopathic drugs are not involved. I would like to hear your analysis.
(A.2): I thought of Sepia for these reasons: He has received too many remedies in high potencies, and Sepia is often indicated after that. He can’t tolerate contradiction; he talked about his mother’s inability to accept contradiction, but he can’t stand it either. He is critical and tries very hard to convince others of his opinions. He also has a loss of energy and sexual desire as well as perspiration on the thorax.
(G.V.): Yes, Sepia is one of the possibilities that we can consider in this case. We’ll discuss it more later on.
(A.3): Based on the symptoms he described, I think that after Sepia we would see him as Aurum, Argentum nitricum, or Ana-cardium—Thuja should probably come in somewhere as well.