
The Celle Seminars_Page 108

George Vithoulkas

aches got worse. We tried Arsenicum album LM 6; it made bis sinusitis worse and he also bad a terrible headache with this remedy. His complaints were relieved somewhat with Bryonia 200, but towards the end of December, 198S, there was the terrible sighing all the time. He experienced some relief after a high potency of Sulphur, but he was unable to sleep during the night and he developed warts on his scrotum.
In mid-1986, he received Argentum nitricum 200 because he had developed vicelike headaches. He was psychiatrically diagnosed as a neurotic psychopath. He received Ignatia 200, and then he attended a clinic for hypnosis for at least six months. While in the clinic he experienced a trauma and was given Arnica 200. Later on, while under hypnosis, he said, »ln my head there is a terrible chaos. The itching is unbearable, but I now have a better understanding of my parents. 1 understand that they always demanded the best of me, and made me ambitious. I also understand that I became jealous after the birth of my sister.« This was in 1961. Because of his terrible skin, he received another dose of Sulphur, which relieved him somewhat. After he returned from the hypnosis clinic in the middle of 1987, he received a dose of Baryta carbonica XM. At the end of September, 1987, he received Carcinosinum XM. In December, 1987, he received a dose of Syphilinum XM. I thought Syphilinum would really help him because his sleeplessness was quite typical for Syphilinum.-he would stay awake all night long. He was only able to get some rest around six or seven in the morning, and then he would rest for about four or five hours. But it was a kind of haziness and restlessness rather than a deep sleep, so that when he woke up, he did not feel rested. However, Syphilinum did nothing. After four months, he received a dose of Phosphoricum acidum because of the terrible weakness which now dominated him completely. As far as this patient was concerned, I could not see a light at the end of the tunnel, and so I asked a colleague to take over the case. He recommended Helleborus because of the symptoms and the patient’s mental :tate. The patient was given Helle-