Celle Seminar I, Case 3: Syringomyelia
ralysis as well. Or Tuberculinum might change the symptomatology to such an extent that a new picture arises, perhaps Sulphur. Maybe there are underlying, hidden symptoms which would support the notion of Sulphur.
I am primarily interested in finding the remedy that covers the layer most immediately presented here. This layer, the top layer, is described by the present symptomatology and the patient’s present make-up. You will always see results with a remedy based on this layer. In cases like this there may not be dramatic results, for instance, the patient may not be able to walk or run after taking Causticum, but nevertheless, it might set an improvement in gear. And if you wait long enough, you might eventually see the next layer and the next indicated remedy. Unfortunately in this case we are again confronted with the problem of medication; the patient is already under treatment with allopathic drugs, antispasmodic drugs. Therefore, I would suggest Causticum in a low potency in repeated doses. You could start with 12C and go up once a day, because this patient does not take heavy doses of the allopathic medicines.
(Therapist): I would even propose that, he give them up because they do not do a lot for him.
(G.V.): Good. If you could prevent him from taking these drugs for a few days, then you might see more clearly what is going on.