George Vithoulkas
would not start off with Tuberculinum, nor would 1 begin with any of these other remedies. It’s not that this decision is based on very strong symptomatology in favor of the remedy that I have chosen, rather I see some points which indicate that, as far as the overall picture of the situation is concerned, this remedy might be better. 1 see that we have an axially located progressive paralysis and that the paralysis is local, affecting one leg. These are all symptoms to guide us in the direction of a remedy. You see, it is important to grasp the idea behind a remedy. I have tried to provide insight into these underlying ideas in the materia medica 1 am writing, I see that this is a closed person, someone who has suffered a lot. He did not complain as much as he could have. I did not get negative symptoms nor much feedback when I asked him questions which supported the remedy I was investigating, Causticum, which several of you also mentioned. In spite of being closed and although he did not want to talk very much about his inner state, when I asked him about injustice and things like that, he was quite forward, quite expressive about his views. When I asked him about meat, he said that he does not eat pork. I would have seen Tuberculinum indicated here, because of the causative factor, if he had expressed a desire for pork and fat. However, the patient mentioned neither a definite desire for nor an aversion to fat. When asked whether he likes smoked meat— seen in both Causticum and Tuberculinum—he said that he does like smoked meats and be would eat them even if they contained pork. Therefore, I would suggest Causticum as the primary remedy, then Opium, and then Tuberculinum. Plumbum is also one possible remedy. However, since we have a gradual paralysis in this case accompanied by cramps in the night, and because we saw that Causticum also experiences cramps in the night, it’s the remedy I would prefer. If you repertorize, you will find that most of his symptoms are covered by Causticum.
As you all saw, it was very difficult to get a picture of the person’s inner mechanism. We have a hard time piecing together a picture of the patient’s personality. We do not see a lot of pathology with him because the greater portion affects the peripheral