Celle Seminar I, Case 3: Syringomyelia
ratysis; paralysis which comes after influential exhaustive diseases where there is much weakness and heaviness and slow recovery of nerve power; tips of fingers numb; tremulous tottering gait; excessive rigidity of legs; spastic gait; cramps in legs, worse with cold weather and cold feet; cannot extend or cross legs when sitting; myelitis with marked spastic symptoms; stiffness of ankles and knees, toes do not leave the floor, drags its feet; muscle of calves very tense; urine increases body reflex; frequent urination, must hurry, else the urine voided involuntarily. There are other possible remedies that we can investigate as we go along. Let’s look at another remedy: Rigidity of the muscles, paralysis depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes loss of sensitivity to pain; muscular weakness followed by complete paralysis although muscular contractility is not impaired; paralysis and tremors; meningeal irritation with rigidity of muscles; poliomyelitis; extremities, pain in right popliteal space; burning and tingling in spine; hands and feet numb; sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep; tetanic convulsions, loco-motor ataxia; numbness; in paralyzed part cramping pains. These are just a few descriptions of different remedies in the ma-teria medica. If you go through and read the remedies from time to time, then your mind will be refreshed and alert to the peculiarities you should consider when dealing with a situation like the one we have seen today. The remedies I read were first Thallium, and then Lathyrus, and finally Physostigma. All three of these remedies are very similar in certain points. How does one go about choosing between them? Well, I could suggest that we mix all three and see what happens. But, of course, this is something that should never be done because, although such a mixture may have an effect upon the patient, you would never be able to find out which one of the three remedies was chiefly responsible. And in the long run, you would not have really done anything to im¬prove the person’s health, because when your mixture stops working, you won’t know how to proceed further. I would keep these three remedies in mind—just like I would keep Tuberculi-num in mind—and reserve them for possible use later on. I