Celle Seminar I, Case 3: Syringomyelia
(M.R): A lot of people say that eating pork isn’t good for you. We made the decision as a family not to eat pork anymore. (G.V.): Do you like smoked meat?
(M.R): I like smoked meats a lot, although I know that they contain pork.
(G. V.): But you’d eat them anyway. If you saw an injustice being inflicted upon someone, would it bother you? (M.P.): I’d get annoyed, and probably very quickly too. (G. V.): Would you speak out?
(M.R): I might when discussing it at work or with friends, and I might even get heated up about it.
(G.V.): Do you feel bloated in your abdomen, distended, gassy? (M.P.): I don’t have more gas than usual. (G.V.): All right. Thank you.
(G.V.): I would like to hear now some of your ideas on the case we have just seen.
(A.l): What struck me most in this man was that he is very concerned about what people think of him. When you asked him what his biggest problem was, he said his leg and that people were looking at him. He also responded to a lot of questions with answers like, »Oh, that’s normal.« It seemed to me that he wanted to emphasize that there is nothing extraordinary about him. Obviously it is very important for him not to be considered dif¬ferent from other people.
(A.2): When I first saw him I thought of Lathyrus or Secale. Then he went on to say that while in the clinic he perspired a great deal, but now the profuse sweating has stopped. All this made me think that perhaps his paralysis is the result of suppressed sweat, therefore I thought of Gelsemium, Lachesis, Rhus toxicodendron, and Colchicum. Rhus toxicodendron is indicated during the night, worse cold, and worse motion. Gelsemium particularly exhibits this type of pain, from the fingertips up to