
The Celle Seminars_Page 64

George Vithoulkas

she accepting or intolerant? Does she show fear? Does she do crazy things?
(H.): She exaggerates things. As you can recall, I said she does things that I think are out of proportion. (G.V.): Please give me an example.
(H.): The affair with the car was an example. When the crisis is over, she sleeps more regularly with the help of allopathic sleeping drugs. She sleeps through the night, sometimes eight, ten, or even twelve hours, regardless of how deep she sleeps. After she’s had this kind of sleep for a period of time, her whole attitude and behavior becomes more balanced, more reasonable. The situation I described earlier, which is really only something that took place in a fit of jealousy, should be seen differently. I do know, and this was touched on earlier, that my wife suffers because of her great social conscience. For example, she does feel that something urgently needs to be done to make sure that starvation in the third world is stopped and that all nuclear power stations are shut down. This is something that she feels must happen now, and she must campaign for it now, because if it does not occur now, then we’ve only got a little bit of time before the clock strikes midnight. In this context, I can understand my wife’s feelings; still, it’s difficult to tell how validly founded these fears really are because she is constantly afraid of being fed information by other people. Naturally this reinforces her condition. Her inability to do something to prevent things from reaching this level causes disproportionate behavior. I would even venture to speculate that this is the source or cause of her fear. Consequently, she is either totally unable to get to sleep, or she wakes up during the night. When my wife goes through these phases where she does not sleep deeply, she becomes increasingly more nervous. You could compare it to an overloaded dam: her sleep deficit grows and grows, and in turn she becomes more and more nervous until finally it overflows and she physically collapses. (G.V.): I don’t want to hear an explanation of how you think her condition comes about. I just want a description of what takes