Celle Seminar I, Case 2: Insanity
picture had changed: for the first time she exhibited a completely stoic state. She was no longer agitated and was unable to remain in touch with the outside world. This was followed by periods in which she could give adequate answers to questions posed, but only very slowly. At times her whole body was drawn back¬wards, flexed in an arc. She was hysterical. Her face revealed pain which she was unable to verbalize. In between critical mo¬ments, she has no memory of what went on. She refused to eat, but she did drink. Temperature was normal. After a few days this state became more agitated and progressed to the previously ex¬hibited agitated form of her psychotic attacks. The homeopathic remedy given was Crocus sativus. Only a C30 dosage was avail¬able and it stopped the state at once; however, her attack recom¬menced after a few hours. Repetition did not work. After this she had to be put on Haloperidole again. She came out of this crisis in about three weeks. Other homeopathic remedies given so far: Ignatia XM in October, 1986, Moschus 200 in November, 1986, Veratrum XM was given during an attack. Lachesis XM on May 27, 1986 and July 3, 1986, also during a crisis. On April 17, 1988, Arsenicum album 1M as self-medication. October 5, 1988, Crocus sativus 30, also October 22, and in 1989 in repeated doses. No remedy except Crocus had a particular effect on her psychosis.
(G. V.): In between the attacks, do you behave normally? How do you feel now?
(F.P.): I’m a bit frightened. I’m a bit excited. (G.V.): Are you afraid of the dark if you are in a dark room? (F.P.): Not under normal conditions.
(G.V.): Do you remember the crises, what happens during a crisis, or do you forget completely?
(F.P.): No, I don’t black out after an attack; some things I remember very clearly, and other things I can only remember if somebody reminds me of what went on. This is the most difficult part. (G. V.): It says here that you laugh inappropriately (now addressing the daughter) How does your mother laugh? Can you reproduce her laughter?