
The Celle Seminars_Page 43

Celle Seminar I, Case 1: Epilepsy/Asthma

was my problem in the beginning when I read Kent, who was primarily my teacher. I read about Pulsatilla—mild, warm-hearted—and I became fixated on this image of Pulsatilla. However, this is only a limited view of what the Pulsatilla nature is capable of. I’ve seen both a female engineer and a female chemist who worked for a government agency. The chemist, because of her position, had to deal on an exclusively rational level. Nevertheless, both of these women were Pulsatilla. I have often mentioned the case of a woman who had a high government position. This woman was like a man. She did not laugh, she just ordered people around. When she came to me, I saw her underlying softness and immediately I recognized that the remedy was Pulsatilla. The best homeopaths in her country never thought of Pulsatilla. When told of my choice of remedies, these homeopaths were stunned: »You, Pulsatilla?* They said. »Forget it, you are too manly!« I told her that the decision to take this remedy rested upon her alone. This was a woman with a severe liver problem; her whole body was swollen. She was only able to wear one of two dresses: one for when she was swollen up, and one for when the swelling went down. Since her treatment, she has only needed one dress.
(A.15): Which one? (laughter)
(G.V.): A new one, an in-between size, (laughter) We have to move away from the conventional picture of Pulsatilla because today we are living in a society that no longer leaves room for the individual to be as he truly is, to be natural. We are no longer natural phenomena; we have become artificial phenomena. Everyone is forced to act in a certain way. All this changes the natural phenomenon which we call Pulsatilla. Furthermore, the remedy is often individualized. For every remedy you have there will always be exceptions to the »normal« picture of that particular remedy. Take, for instance, Calcarea carbonica. This remedy normally exhibits a lot of fears. There are also cases of Calcarea carbonica patients who are very healthy, only slightly disturbed, and show virtually no fears at all. Some of our books say that if you see all the fears in the world, this must be a case of Calcarea