Celle Seminar I, Case 1: Epilepsy/Asthma
edge will help me find the correct remedy. She says that she no longer feels any sexual desire, although she used to have a normal sexual drive. I also observed timidity. Despite the fact that she was trying to be nice and even laughed occasionally, she was still timid. She had a difficult time trying to speak and not be self-conscious. Could this be an Argentum-nitricum-case because of her excitability? She also said that she is impulsive, then she wasn’t sure, maybe yes, maybe no. Argentum nitricum would have been much more impulsive and expressive. She would not have held back, would not have been so timid. There are a lot of other things I could point out if I had the case in front of me, points that are revealed in her gestures and expressions. Let’s return now to the information at hand.
(A.10): The dream was interesting in that it supports Pulsatilla as one possible remedy. She wants to eat the baby because she loves it.
(G.V.): »She wants to eat the baby because she loves it.« Well, yes, maybe you can explain it that way. I would say that in order to support Pulsatilla by means of a dream, we would have to have more Pulsatilla-like dreams. What dreams are typical for Pulsatilla? Black animals—black dogs—that pursue her. Such a dream would confirm Pulsatilla. But perhaps this dream supports the idea of Pulsatilla as well; we simply do not know. Come back to the information we’ve already gathered. The patient’s information, which was read to you at the beginning of this inves¬tigation, is not open to be homeopathically evaluated until the point where you hear, »Strong aversion for meat and fat, desire for nuts.« Regarding the desire for nuts, we only have a few remedies which desire nuts.
(A. 11): This symptom is not that rare.
(G.V.): That’s true, but there can be a tremendous desire for a particular type of nut, for instance, pumpkin seeds. I have seen this in Calcarea carbonica; the patient ate half a kilo of pumpkin seeds. I have also seen this desire for nuts with Nux vomica, with Natrum muriaticum and with Sepia. But there is a catch here. Natrum muriaticum may want nuts which are salty more be-