
The Celle Seminars_Page 38

George Vithoulkas

that she is not suffering. Her face is still quite nice. What other homeopathic information did she give without me having to ask her?
(A.8): You asked whether she felt warm or not, and then she said, spontaneously, that she was inclined to uncover her feet.
(G.V.): When I asked how she felt in bed, she said that when she becomes very hot, she has to stick her feet out from underneath the covers. This is very important information. We can use this type of information. Now we are beginning to learn not only about her mental-emotional state, but also about her constitutional symptoms: she feels worse when she is too warm. This we have already seen: she took off her jacket, perspires easily. Now we learn that when she’s in bed and she begins to feel excessively warm, she doesn’t feel well and has to stick her feet out, presumably to cool herself off. Open your repertories to Extremities, heat, foot, burning, uncovers them. By studying this case, and with the aid of facts we’ve collected, we can now form a picture of her character. What can we say about her character? She appears irritable. She says that sometimes she can become angry and throw things, but that this dies down again easily. She does not hold her anger inside. What else? What is there about her character that we can discern? What are the main points?
(A.9): Mildness.
(G.V.): Yes, there is a kind of mildness. See, now that you are thinking of a specific remedy, you begin to use the exact expressions found in the repertory. What I see here is a nice woman; she’s soft, not closed or aggressive. But I can also see that she is excited inside. I ask myself whether this could be one of the emotional, sexual remedies, because emotionality and sexuality are sometimes mixed. Perhaps this is a case of Platinum. I can’t be sure though because the symptoms may be covered up, so I investigate her sexuality in order to rule out this possibility. Why did I think of Platinum} Because I’m now considering the person alone. I have put her pathology aside for the moment and what I now see is an excitable person. Platinum can be very excitable in a specific way;sexually excitable. Maybe this bit of knowl-