Celle Seminar I, Introduction
emotions are not produced. Furthermore, you need positive emotions for communication because negative emotions obstruct rather than encourage communication. However, Sepia is not capable of positive emotions. When Sepia is with someone and she notices a lack of interest being shown in her direction, her desire for communication begins to diminish until eventually there is no communication at all. A feeling of being held down sets in, and then Sepia feels forced to make an effort. All this is stored up inside Sepia and is very painful. Finally, Sepia may say to herself, »To hell with everybody! I’ll go and lie on my bed with a book, and be by myself!« That is how she comes to the point where she says, »It’s better to be alone.« The symptom starts with a lack of communication, which is typically Sepia. But Sepia isn’t always uncommunicative. It may also be the case, in the first stages of Sepia pathology, that Sepia is a very excitable and sensitive person. Little girls, especially Sepia girls, flush, blush and dance; they are lively and display very strong emotions. Despite all of this outgoingness, one can see that these children are too sensitive. If they are subjected to stress, they may no longer show emotions, but instead may appear frozen. It’s similar to the case of someone who has a sensitive stomach: you shout at him and he experiences pain. Which remedies suggest these symptoms?
(A.3): Staphisagria.
(G.V.): No, not Staphisagria.
(A.4): Nux vomica, Kali carbonicum.
(G.V.): Yes, you’re right, Nux vomica as well as Kali carbonicum. But wait a moment. There are remedies that always show a repercussion in the stomach.
(A.5): Natrum carbonicum.
(G.V.): Very good, Natrum carbonicum. You see the person takes everything to the stomach. The stomach is so upset that even the stomach lining, the mucous membrane of the stomach, is affected. This is the case with Nux vomica. And what other remedy?
(A.6): Antimonium.