Celle Seminar I, Introduction
I saw him coming from the bathroom—he’d gotten up—as I was entering the room. »Sir, what did you give me?« he asked look¬ing at me. »It doesn’t matter, it’s called Phosphorus,« I told him. He replied, »I feel so much better.« In that short space of time, between that morning and 5:00 in the evening, Phosphorus had brought down his fever and made him feel well again. He was even able to get up, although he was still totally exhausted and really no more than a corpse. Now that is the time of truth. Had I said, »God, please give me intuition!«, he would have died. You have to have knowledge, know what to do at the given moment, because if you don’t have this kind of knowledge, you can forget everything else. Your intuition will only be good when someone says, for example, »You see, I’m crazy,« or in discussing philo¬sophical issues. But when you are faced with the possibility of death, you cannot waste time relying on your intuition. You must be able to rely on your knowledge alone.
I’m not going to tell you that I know everything because no¬body does. We all make mistakes. All I am trying to say is that homeopathy is a science and it requires a lot of studying and a lot of application. You cannot just sit back when things get diffi¬cult and say, »I can’t learn this. I need intuition.« I’ve seen this happen. The Expert System will be especially helpful in handling these types of cases when you cannot go any further using the knowledge at your disposal, and/or there is no one with more ex¬pertise to whom you can turn. In these critical moments you can feed the computer information, which it then evaluates before of¬fering you suggestions.
The experiences of a homeopath are so many that you can talk about them for years, especially once they are over. And of course, we always talk about our successes. But the failures, well, you tend to try and forget the failures. We have to do this because homeopathy is still a difficult, upcoming science, and if we did not concentrate on our positive experiences, we’d go into Aurum states. Do you know about Aurum states? These are depressions, very deep depressions. For example, you may become especially depressed when dealing with children because they cannot sup-