
The Celle Seminars_Page 11

Celle Seminar I, Introduction

we can categorize these people as those with a knowledge of ho¬meopathy. Therefore, it is very important to have established, recognized schools that will give credit or a diploma to people who have studied properly. I believe with the information provided by my writing and teaching, along with the Expert System, the materia medica, and proper teacher preparation, we will be able to establish a real school of homeopathy. This should be an institution, or university, which would start in one country and could later be franchised, or duplicated, in other countries. Such a plan would help facilitate a unified method of teaching homeopathy. I hope that more countries in Europe will institute homeopathic hospital facilities. There is a hospital under construction at this moment—I don’t know the exact location, somewhere in Germany, near Bonn—which is going to have a department for homeopathy. I think this is a very good sign. I hope that this hospital will not end up like the London Homeopathic Hospital where primarily allopathic treatments are prescribed. We can prevent this from happening only if we have good teachers who can stand the stress of a difficult case, because this is precisely when judgement is passed on our abilities. For example, you are called to treat someone who is extremely ill; this is your moment of truth. It is a matter of how much confidence you will need to be able to handle this case. In order to have confidence, you must also have knowledge. There is no substitute for knowledge. I was very mad when I first began treating patients and could show successful results, because people would say, »G*h, you have intuition!« How is this intuition? I have been studying day and night constantly for many years and they called this intuition? Why study at all? I could just as easily say, »I think you are Phos¬phorus. Take Phosphorus and God bless you.« In 1965, I was treating Krishnamurti in Gstaad, Switzerland. There I met a lady, his hostess. As soon as she saw me, she said, »Oh, you have intuition!« I replied, »How do you know that?« She said, »I can see it.« I said, »No, I do not have intuition, I have studied very hard for what I know.«