George Vithoulkas
that these sources will be more contemporary and accessible for the user.
The Expert System, which as most of you know I designed in cooperation with Namur University in Belgium, is also a part of this planned learning system. I am quite happy to see from the results that I have received with the computer so far that, in most cases, the computer prescribed the remedy that I would have chosen had I done the repertorization myself. However, I want to emphasize that the Expert System should only be used as a tool; it is not intended to provide you with blind answers. The computer should only serve to assist in repertorization. The question often arises as to the function of repertorization. If you give the computer information, it will suggest remedies, which you will then have to form a judgement on. Do these suggestions tally with the remedies you have been considering? Often the computer will suggest remedies which you have never heard of before, and then you will have to go and study these remedies. This is exactly the goal in using the Expert System: it should spark your interaction with technology while serving as a study tool. You will be able to ask the computer for information on an unfamiliar remedy, and it will provide you with information that you can tally against the information given by your patient.
Another project I would like to mention is a school for homeopathy, a regular school for homeopathy, which we are in the stages of planning. I have been in contact with various universities, and I hope that one of them will decide to assign a chair of homeopathy because this would lend significant creditability to the field. As you know, the seminars only run for a short period of time and then you are on your own again. There is no way to distinguish between those who have actually studied a lot and those who have not studied at all. More precisely, the problem is that up until now there has been no basis by which the difference between students’ level of knowledge could be assessed. At present, almost anyone can call himself a homeopath. I think this is unfair. I think that those who study and apply themselves should be given credit. There should be some standard by which