
Celle Seminar _Introduction

Celle Seminar I, Introduction


I don’t like speeches, so I will try and be very brief. I would like to thank Dr. Tiedemann as well as all the people, especially Mr. Lindemann, who worked on organizing this conference. In addition, I would like to thank them for giving me the opportunity to come and teach in the land of Hahnemann. It is very moving and important for me to have come back at this time of my evolution because I feel I have the best to give right now.
I have tried to be very faithful to the founder of homeopathy, Hahnemann. In this seminar I will try to give you insight into my method of finding a remedy, in short, my general thought process when confronted with a case. I will also try to give you information on small remedies, which, up until now, I have not spoken about in the course of my teaching.
First, I would like to tell you about what I’m currently doing. As most of you know, I am on the Greek island of Alonissos, more or less in isolation, while I write a materia medica. So far I have written the final version of about thirty remedies. I intend to write a complete materia medica, although it may take five years to finish the entire project. I plan to structure the materia medica in such a way that it will be particularly useful for students. There will be a section in this materia medica that will give all the essential features of a remedy. This part will only be for studying purposes, and therefore this section should be especially easy to read. Furthermore, I plan to give the peculiarities of the symptomatology of each remedy within a particular organ system. Because of this mammoth undertaking, I will be unable to give seminars in the near future. The only invitations I will be able to accept in the years to come are those from the Lower Saxony Academy of Homeopathy here in Celle, West Germany. I feel this is an important decision because it will allow me more time to work on the theoretical part of the materia medica. I also hope