exercise; he will instinctively do what is natural for him to regain his health. I just wanted to show with this question that there is a kind of law in this science. What is the word in English? Gnomotelia? A Greek word. There are certain things that have to happen once the health comes back; otherwise it is a stupid question.
(M.P.): I’ve been more active, I’ve also changed. Well, I’ve not been happy with the work I was doing, and I started doing a lot of gardening work; so I was doing very heavy gardening work, which is good.
(G.V.): He was not happy with the work he was doing. He gave up bio-energetic therapy and he is doing gardening, heavy gardening work.
(M.P.): …that sort of athletic.
(G.V.): How are you in general?
(M.P.): Well, I think I am much improved, really, psychologically and
emotionally I am much different. I am less anxious, less panicky, even
when I get some palpitations. I am not actually like before when I was
quite easily devastated by it; now I can move on from that, but it still
upsets me, but not as much.
(G. V.): His heart still is not regulated, sometimes he gets some flutters, but it is not a big deal anymore. He carries on with his work, he is not anxious, he is not going into panic.
(M.P.): I have had some palpitations. (G.V.): On what occasions, on exertion?
(M.P.): The worst I’ve had was when I recently went to Ibiza on holiday. I had them after lunch when I was walking up a steep hill in the heat.
(G.V.): Do you hear that? He had some palpitations walking uphill after a lunch. That is a characteristic of Calcarea carbonica. So that means he is still in the state of Calcarea carbonica.