

(G.V.): Not really; when Kali carbonicum goes into an anxiety state the idea is that something is going to happen in the near future, in a week or a month or so. The person thinks that they are going to get very sick, this is the main idea with the anxiety of Kali carbonicum. (A.): I wonder that the two remedies are of such low potency. If the potency was wrong, how can I prove that?
(G.V.): It depends on how much materia medica you know. If you know enough materia medica, you will say, »now, this is not Lycopodium, this is not Cannabis indica; this is either Calcarea carbonica or Arsenicum ,at the most.« That is what your knowledge of materia medica will lead you to think, otherwise why not consider Kali arsenicum, or Nitricum acidum, or all those remedies which are cold. For that matter, why not consider Sulphur, even Argentum nitricum, Aconitum; all these remedies can cover, in one way or another, the symptoms in this case. But you have to be precise in order to have an effect. So, before you continue any further, wait and see the results, what happens with your initial remedy. Now I will show you first the follow-up a month later. More important, I want to make clear my reason for giving him the remedy in three potencies: I was not certain that one potency, whatever it is – 200, 1M, 10M – is really correctly potentized; so I take a chance and give three different potencies right from me beginning. If I knew that the remedy was correctly potentized, that 200 is really 200, I would not give any other potency. I hope some day to produce medicines with reliable potencies. If I speak in favor of one pharmacy, then the others will kill me! You just have to experiment yourself and find out what is best. (A.): Do you ever go to a lower potency?
(G.V.): Yes, there are some cases in which I prescribe low potencies, like 12, 6X. I start from 6X, 12… (A.): But going backwards?
(G.V.): Yes, sometimes it can happen. In certain circumstances, say for instance, you’ve given 1M and it has acted and there is still something left, you can go back to 6X, repeat the dose. But this is not the time or place to discuss this because it is a big subject. While the rest of the interview is playing, I may make some remarks here. As we said, we proceed in the analysis of this case as if it were a Calcarea carbonica case; we act and we do things under the influence of the disturbance. And perhaps, as somebody remarked in this case, maybe it was his fear about his health that led him to take up bio-energetic therapy. Maybe he is not really interested in