(G.V.): There is a trembling already. (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): He is trembling all the time, I could see he was trembling, and you see how he controls it and how he expresses it. You don’t get an impression of the intensity of what he is going through.
(G.V.): Are you having a crisis right now?
(M.P.): No, not really, just a little bit apprehensive, fearful perhaps.
(G.V.): Do emotions bring up a crisis?
(M.P.): Yes, probably.
(G.V.): Probably, you’re not sure?
(G.V.): No, I think that is true, if I have emotional stress or worry…
(G.V.): More or less that is the case. Later on I will ask about desires, aversions, etc. Desire for eggs is not there, desire for sweets is not really there, although I can’t remember exactly now. What is the most probable chief differential diagnosis in this case? It becomes a decision between Calcarea carbonica and Arsenicum. If we explain what he means by philosophical as Calcarea carbonica – inquisitiveness concerning the world beyond – then the case becomes Calcarea carbonica, but without strong confirmatory symptoms. So, we are hesitant in our decision. The first line of action should be Calcarea carbonica 1M. I will show you the follow-up in a month, in six months, and in nine months, so that you can see what finally happens.
(A.): But you couldn’t confirm whether or not the philosophical stimulus is really what you think.
(G.V.): I don’t remember if I brought the subject up again later on; I don’t remember whether I brought the subject up again in the manner and words that a Calcarea carbonica person would use. (A.): During these attacks Arsenicum should be thirsty. (G.V.): Yes, you’d like him to be thirsty, but he is not. (A.): Would you try Cannabis indical
(G.V.): No, it is too scattered, too theoretical, it is another picture. (A.): What about Kali carbonicuml