(G.V.): Do you have to cover yourself up very well before you can get
really warm?
(M.P.): Not particularly.
(G.V.): Are your feet cold in bed?
(M.P.): They’re not cold.
(G.V.): You see, what he said has, for me, a different meaning than what you understood, that is why I come to the remedy now. Immediately after his answer I came to the remedy. Why? Can anybody tell me? I’ll tell you how I think: I perceive a young man, and so I ask myself: Is he mature? Has he really suffered in life? What kind of suffering? What kind of experiences has this man been through? Is this a man that has a good life, an easy life? Is he a man who has been tormented by basic questions in life? Is he someone who has been through a very difficult life? Someone who had no retreat, nowhere to stay, had lost his parents, who grew up with real philosophical questions and now asks: What is going on? If he were that type, then his questions would be of a philosophical nature and this would be Sulphur. But I perceive something else here; what I perceive is a man who has been protected by his family, a wealthy family, and eventually he is asked into the family business. He has the promise of enough money and he likes the easy life; then he goes and takes a few puffs of marihuana. I mean, unless he had a bad experience he might have continued! Why not? What real difficulties does he have at the age of twenty-one, twenty-two? He gets married, he goes out and… the only real problem he has is his health. Something had stressed him, but it only affected his health, because everything else is going well for him. So, do I see him as being really philosophically interested? There is a contradiction in what he says; what does he really mean? Go back. With this phrase I thought about the remedy.
(A.): He wants to be stimulated. (G.V.): Yes, that is what he says, but I don’t believe him.
(M.P.): …that is where my restlessness lies perhaps. I am not a great doer, I don’t rush around doing things.
(G.V.): What does he actually say? In effect: »I have a mental restless-