

indica. He’s philosophical. You are now approaching the remedy, but you still have to look at what he says from another perspective. The way that a patient will sometimes talk is not always direct, therefore we cannot take at face value whatever a person says, we have to see it in the context of that person. Now, who is that person? It is a young man. What age? Twenty. What happened to him? Suddenly, according to him, his health goes to pieces – kidney, heart, blood pressure – and then the fears and the anxieties start. He also says that he is interested in philosophical issues. This is the secret of the case. (A.): He is searching for security.
(G.V.): Yes, he becomes a bio-energetic therapist because he feels that bio-energetic therapy may help him with his problems. He is afraid to take anymore strong medical, chemical drugs.
(A.): Why didn’t he become a homeopath? Just because he thought that it is less difficult to become a bio-energetic therapist?
(G.V.): It depends on what he has been told. Maybe a homeopath told him it is very difficult to become a homeopath, and a bio-energetic therapist told him it was very easy to become a bio-energetic therapist, and so he chose to be a bio-energetic therapist. Most probably this is the reason why. The information we receive here is that at a certain period in his life he had to make a decision. Is he philosophically minded and tends towards Sulphur! This is the question that I would like you to answer for me. Yes, because of that reason, or no, because of this reason. He said: »I am philosophically minded and I have to be stimulated philosophically,« that is how he put it. I will go back to the video now. I distorted the situation a little bit, but he says that he is stimulated by philosophical discussions, and I ask myself: is he telling the truth? If he is telling the truth, we may consider Sulphur. But what if he is not telling the truth and he means something else? This is my question. (A.): Why do you say it is not the truth? (G.V.): I wanted him to justify himself. (A.): There is an emotional lack. (G.V.): Why do you say that? (A.): Maybe he had problems with his mother.
(G.V.): Something with his mother, yes. What I am asking, you see, when I hear what he says, I vacillate. I think: Lycopodium, no; Phosphorus, no; Arsenicum, must be Arsenicum, but try to reconfirm, no; then suddenly Sulphur sounds possible, and then again he says something: »I am philosophically interested, I am stimulated philosophically.* Now I want to find