(M.P.): …friends that I don’t want them to know that I have this; I don’t
know why.
(G.V.): How many attacks can you have a day?
(M.P.): Oh, I only have perhaps an attack every few weeks. Since
February or March I’ve been much better; still, it is always in the back
of my mind.
(G.V.); Have you taken any medicine?
(M.P.): I went to see a homeopath recently.
(G.V.): When?
(M.P.); A month, six weeks ago, and she gave me some medicine.
(G.V.): What did she give you?
(M.P.): She didn’t tell me, she wouldn’t tell me, but my wife knows what
it is, she told my wife. It is only 6 and 12 potency, but my wife knows.
(G.V.): When you sleep, do you have a special position, right, left?
(M.P.); Right.
(G.V.): You sleep on your right?
(M.P.); Yes, I like to sleep on my right.
(G.V.): You don’t like the left?
(M.P.): No, I like it on the right.
(G.V.): Because of the heart, or don’t you know why?
(M.P.): I think it is because of the heart; it feels less comfortable on the
left side, but it is easier on the right. Sometimes I sleep on my front and
that is okay.
(G.V.); Did you ever have any serious disease when you were younger,
for example, pneumonia or any other disease, condition?
(G.V.); No skin eruption? Lift your hair… Well, it appears that there is
a skin eruption here, there is a redness.
(M.P.): Well, that is a sunburn.
(G.V.): That is from the sun?
(M.P.): I think my health was good around that time. My mother tells
me I had a bad reaction to a vaccination when I was very young.
(G.V.); Do you know what vaccination?
(M.P’.): Whooping cough.
(G.V.): Is that the triple vaccination?
(M.P.): I think so. In those days I had just the first part of it and then
the doctor said I mustn’t have anymore.