

Magnesias – muriaticum and carbonica – the Carduus marianus, all these prefer the liver, the spleen, the digestive system, and the colon. This does not mean that Lycopodium cannot produce paralysis just because it primarily affects the colon. You have to keep this in mind while you are searching to get at the heart of the matter, the real picture of the remedy on a mental, emotional, and physical level. You have to put this all together, then you will see the real effect of homeopathy. (A.): What about Gelsemiuml
(G. V.): Gelsemium can also produce similar states: paralysis, other things. (A.): How will this boy manage his future when the reason for his sadness is not gone? Will he need Ignatia all the time for support? (G.V.): No, I don’t see it this way; I see that Ignatia now has brought him back into a balanced state under which he will face the challenges in his life. For how long? We don’t know. He may again suffer a big shock, which would then throw him back into an Ignatia state. You can give Ignatia again and bring him back, but while he is in that state, he doesn’t care about anything. Almost always after I’ve given Ignatia, I’ve heard from grown-ups: »I now see life on a more philosophical level.« First, they’ll say, for example, »he left me! I’m finished!«; then you give them Ignatia and they say, »that’s life.« This is typical of a balanced person. A balanced person will cry once or twice for three or four days, perhaps five weeks, and then they’ve cried enough. You can’t go on and on grieving forever, even if you lose your mother, your father, your child, or whomever. Life is life, it has to predominate over death. If death predominates it is a pathological state. I don’t really know what is going to happen to the child or how he is going to face the challenges of the future. What I believe is that he will be able to face these challenges, whatever they are, much more easily now after the remedy.
It was a precarious state in this case, perhaps you didn’t realize it because I did not let the video run all the way through. The child was unable to eat anything at all, he was exhausted and dehydrated. How long could he have gone on like that? In the event that the remedy is not the right one, it may aggravate, especially when it is close to the correct remedy, but I don’t know what sort of aggravation this might be.
We had some discussions after this was finished, and I asked the mother whether she now understands why the child was like this. She said, »yes.« But that is all we discussed later on. It is very strange, the woman seemed to have understood on one level what was happening, but on another level she could not do anything else. During this case I also had some other