

friend came who just turned one-year old; she, with her mother’s help, showed John how she was learning to walk; so that is how he started to walk.
(G.V.): It is very interesting what she says: a little child taught him how to
walk again – John had to relcarn how to walk.
(Mother): She kept her balance; so he started doing that too. (G.V.): Tell me something John, do you remember about a dream? Yes, you had a dream? Do you remember the dream? (Child): It is about a tooth that came out.
(G.V.): You see the spark of life is coming back? Still, you can see he is
not completely out of the depression.
(G. V.): Did he go out to play at all, or did he stay at home?
(Mother): He went out to stay at his father’s in the country, so I don’t
know. Did you go out and play?
(Child): Yeah, near tlie manor, right near the big eucalyptus tree.
(G.V.): Do you like sally things? No. Do you like sweets?
(G.V.): He became Ignatia a year and an half ago, but what was he before this? Phosphorus and Natrum muriaiicum have a desire for salt; so I ask straight questions, and I see that a keynote indicating the next possible remedy has already begun to appear.
(G.V.): But what about meat, do you like meat, fish? Fish you like. Are you thirsty, do you drink a lot? No.
(Mother): He doesn’t want to drink anything after having had everything shoved in his face.