

how the doctors reacted, all of them said: »You Pulsatillal Never!« »Yes,« she replied, »outside I have to appear to be strong, but inside maybe I’m not that strong at all.« She took Pulsatilla and she was cured. The main thing is that they had tried treating her for sixteen years with every remedy except Pulsatilla, but no one had been able to find the correct remedy. This just goes to show that you cannot replace one remedy with another. (A.): Don’t we have to differentiate in this acute case of pneumonia between the acute phase and the chronic mental state which might be another remedy?
(G.V.): Correct, but then we come to the next question: Is this a Pulsatilla upon which pneumonia has been imprinted, or can it be a pneumonia state that is different from the underlying remedy? This is the main question because of certain characteristics, for instance, she said that she was constantly losing urine, and, because of being worse from warmth and things like that, we may suppose that this pneumonia state was carried on from a previous state, and this acute phase just produced a more prominent Pulsatilla case. We just don’t know at this point; we cannot really be sure until we see the results reflected in what is happening in her life and the changes that are taking place after the remedy. Still, for me, this woman’s personality can be Pulsatilla, because the sweet, affectionate element is there. She may have conformed or become closed so that a Kali – Kali sul-phuricum especially – may be indicated at some point, but I am not sure. What made me feel that this case was Pulsatilla was the fact that she said, when she took Pulsatilla, she started crying. Pulsatilla immediately brought out an element that was lurking underneath, and which she had been able to control. Under the action of Pulsatilla this element came forth and she became weak. The idea of blond women who cry and are easily led is no longer seen as often in our societies. Pulsatilla women have become stronger, exercise power, are ambitious and want to attain status. For instance it says in the books, just to give you a hint: »In love with one of her own kind,« that means one woman falls in love with another. The word lesbian was not used because no one talked openly about things like this at the time these books were written. It was found that Pulsatilla had a tendency towards homosexuality because it was not as active and defined hormonally as other women. Because Pulsatilla has the element of low hormones, she does not have the need for sexual contact. When I say this it does not mean that all Pulsatillas are going to have a low-sex drive, some Pulsatillas are going to have normal sex lives, and some of them can also