

You just have to allow Pulsatilla a chance to act. Perhaps she will need a repetition of Pulsatilla, but as far as I could tell from the information I received, she does not yet need another remedy. This follow-up was about ten days after the remedy.
(A.): I don’t understand how you administered the potencies. (G.V.): Every two hours, but not again and again and again, just once. There were quite a few people who complained about Pulsatilla. They said that they did not understand how a woman who seemed as hard as she does can be Pulsatilla. And they asked whether this is just an acute Pulsatilla case, or a constitutional remedy, and how this fits in with the Pulsatilla picture that you have gotten through your lectures and your readings. I say that you have conceived an idea of Pulsatilla that is not valid for our contemporary woman, because women today have taken on much greater responsibilities in society which require that they maintain a facade of hardness and authority. This does not mean that a Pulsatilla woman cannot have an authoritative job, there is no problem with that; this is where you have been misled. Once Pulsatilla has a job of authority, she will either control herself or put up a facade of being a hard woman, a business woman. If Pulsatilla is a business woman, you will see what you see here. The sweet element is not lost completely, it is there, the need for affection is also there, but it has been mentally reduced. She will not be like the Pulsatilla child who needs constant caressing, because this need has been reduced, even though it is still there underneath. The weeping element may not appear because the woman will try to be strong and not show weakness, but that has nothing to do with her real nature, which has an underlying sweetness, softness.
In my very first years while still a student in India, I was treating Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti was always surrounded by many people, one of whom was a woman in charge of the export textiles of India; a government position, a very authoritative woman, she was like a man. She had been treated by the best homeopaths in India, with no effect. She had a liver problem that was so severe that an ascit would take place suddenly and her whole body would swell up; her arm would almost double in size. She had two dresses, one for the time when she swelled up, and the other for when she went down. She came to be treated, and I took the case; underneath I saw this Pulsatilla element I told her to take Pulsatilla, and she immediately went to the homeopaths who were treating her in Delhi and told them that »George has given me Pulsatillas She later told me