

(F.P.): Fairly often I notice that my feet are cold. (G.V.): Do you perspire at all in bed during the night? (F.P.): Not as much as I did before, sometimes a little bit, and sometimes when I’ve eaten my body heats up and I get a little bit of perspiration in the upper part of my body. (G.V.): So you have to wear these things over you? (F.P.): No. Actually I feel quite warm in here right now, but I just have the idea that it might be cold outside. I’ve been trying to dress fairly warmly. I don’t feel chilled, Fvejust been trying to not get into drafts or to get too cold.
(G.V.): And do you bring up sputum?
(F.P.): Yes, not nearly as much as before, and I’m not having violent coughing the way that I did before. It’s mostly white, some yellow. I coughed up some blood this morning that I think was just dripping -this is when I was waking up – down from my nose, because when I blow my nose sometimes blood comes out, which I think is probably a sign of vitamin C deficiency.
(G.V.): She still has some breathing problems, but it’s nothing in
comparison with what she was having.
(G.V.): So your temperature is what now?
(F.P.): It’s normal and sometimes slightly below normal and has been for – I’ve a little bit lost track of the time – about a week; I think my temperature has been pretty much normal. My breath is still short, and I get out of breath easily, but it’s a lot deeper than it was before. (G.V.): Was there any tuberculosis in your family? (F.P.): Not that I know of. Are you guessing that this might be tuberculosis?
(G.V.): No, no. It has nothing to do with your actual case. I’m just trying to establish the next remedy that you may need.
(G.V.): Why do I ask about tuberculosis? Because I’m thinking about Tuberculinum due to the night sweats and coldness, which also might be Tuberculinum, or it might be Calcarea carbonicum. You have to be careful now. Do not jump to conclusions and base the next remedy on them, like