achier; then I’ll start to say, »0h noooo!« (Chuckles) A little bit feeling sorry for myself.
(G.V.): But you never cry really? (F.P.): No, no.
(G.V.): Do you consider yourself a strong person? (F.P.): (Laughs) Well, I’m not so sure right now, but I think that basically I am.
(G.V.): How do you feel right now? Vulnerable? (F.P.): Yes, although for me I guess it feels like it’s a very strange experience being…I feel like I’m in an altered state of consciousness. I feel like my body is very sick but… (G.V.): Your mind is clear?
(F.P.): Right. The insides of me are just the same as always. (G.V.): You teach t’ai chi?
(F.P.): Yes, and if I’d done my own practice sufficiently, I wouldn’t have had to come and see you today. (Laughs) (G.V.): You mean you could prevent that?
(F.P.): Oh absolutely! This never would have happened to me. But I’m everyone’s mother, and I’ve taken on much, much, too much in my life. (G.V.): How did you come here in this state? Did you drive? (Sounds incredulous) (F.P.): Yeah. (G.V.): From where? (F.P.): Just a few blocks. (G.V.): Here in town?
(F.P.): Just a few minutes across town. I didn’t come here today by driving myself, someone drove me today. But I have been driving every day since I’ve been sick, except today. I realized that it was not safe today. I’ve really been pushing myself. (G.V.): You should be staying in bed.
(F.P.): Yeah. Well the first day the really terrible thing was that I saw my therapist and she said that I had a 102.2 temperature, and I went and worked for six hours after that. (Laughs)
(G. V.): With a temperature of 102 she went and worked for six hours.
(F.P.): That’s why I’m so ill I think. (G.V.): You can’t do that because…