(G.V.): I ask these questions for your sake, because often the person, while he is in that state, cannot really describe what is happening; so you just have to be more perceptive. When the person is out of the state, looking upon the state, they can describe it verbally and we get a more precise description of the state, but she does not do this.
(G.V.): But you don’t want to describe it…
(F.P.): It was a very awful time, it is so hard to explain, it was like a cloud that has followed me throughout my life, since my childhood. It is something that has been there all my life and seemed to really come to a head in the last month, where it was never…
(G.V.): She says, it is a cloud that has followed her ever since childhood
until she came to this climax, to this acute episode.
(F.P.): …that severe when I was a child. I never thought that as an adult I would feel as frightened as I had when I was a child. I always thought that it would go away, but it got worse all of a sudden. It was an awful thing, and I hope that I never go through that again. (G.V.): Don’t drink coffee. (F.P.): Throughout the entire process?
(G.V.): No, don’t drink coffee for three years, and don’t take any drugs. We’ll be in touch. Thank you very much.
(Husband): Well, she had this dream last night, and what you are saying shows her breaking away from her mother and getting stronger and that it is okay to do that now.
(G.V.): Do you perceive what is happening? He says to me: »Wait a moment, she’s had a dream in which she is breaking away from her mother and you said it was okay, but what about me?« (Laughter) »If this were a dream about me, would you say it is okay?!« I perceive everything that is happening with her, and now he does as well.