

(G.V.): And you felt that you wanted to throw it up? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Were you already nauseated? (F.P.): I was just nervous about having to eat. (G.V.): You did not really want to eat?
(F.P.): No, not really, but I knew that I should eat something. I threw that up and I felt a little bit more relieved, and then I had some Seven-up or something like that. Then I had some chicken soup, because I knew that I had to eat something, and I had some hot tea, and sat out on the balcony. I felt a little bit more relieved then, after I’d eaten, and I decided that I would probably like to go to the beach, so we went. I sat on the sand out there and tried to rest and relax out there and gather myself. I just felt like I wanted to drive and so we drove down to the beach and did a big loop around. (G.V.): Who drove?
(F.P.): I did, and mom drove back to the beach, and then I drove from the beach down to the city near by and back home again. But we stopped to see my sister and my niece and nephew, and I had some tea down there, but I couldn’t eat anything, and I was feeling okay…
(G.V.): Do you see the difference in her look? It is much harder, the other look was sweet. Is that the look of a grown-up person? Look at her! She realizes what is going on, most probably only on a subconscious level still, but it is just three days after the remedy. You will see what the subconscious is doing.
(F.P.): ..J don’t think that I am so… (G.V.): Scattered?
(F.P.): Yeah, not so anxious; I still feel anxious, but not as extreme as I was before. I also feel like I could cry, but I can’t. Yesterday I cried at the beach, and I cried this morning because I was nervous about coming here again. I was just feeling tense about everything. But like I said, Friday night I had an hour where I felt back to normal – that I might be able to eat and keep something down there – and then last night mom was cooking and the smell did not bother me, where it has in the past. Then I had a wine cooler. (G.V.): Did you eat anything this morning?