through her life? This is the question I am trying to find out about and that I want to confirm. She has already given me some information about that, she says: »When I was a child I did not want to grow up.« She has been through psychoanalysis and she did feel better after it, because she eventually went to school. She managed to carry out her life until something stressful came and sparked off the imbalance in her. The imbalance that we see in her is what we call the Baryta carbonica imbalance. This is a case of Baryta carbonica, and the stress pushes this out and produces a bit of Baryta carbonica. Was Baryta carbonica there all along? We are going to find out.
(F.P.): … It was difficult for me to learn, and then during the seventh grade my father started helping me to study. In high school I had a 4.0 (average), and then I went to college. I was accepted at the University of Davis, which is in Sacramento, but I couldn’t go there because I was afraid to leave home. I was not ready to go away.
(G.V.): Again Baryta carbonica. »My father helped me« is exactly Baryta carbonica. Baryta carbonica children will try hard, they will try to remember, they will repeat a lesson twenty times and the next day they will go to school and will be very shy, indecisive. For example, the teacher asks them to give a history lesson and the child cannot because she has forgotten everything, gone completely blank. We say that Baryta carbonica is a remedy which produces dwarfism, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
(G.V.): Did you have problems memorizing; did you study more than
the other students in order to cope?
(F.P.): Yes, I was a biology major and I just couldn’t handle the the
biochemistry. I changed my major a quarter before I was supposed to
graduate with a degree.
(G.V.): To what subject?
(F.P.): History and politics with a liberal studies major. I fell that it
was easier for me to study something that I liked to learn about rather
than something that I felt I had to study. My grades got better after that.
(G.V.): Did you ever have a gynecological examination?